Topic Maintenance in Groups Speech Boom Cards™


What’s included?

  • 40 total cards with a hypothetical conversation between a group of students
  • 20 cards where students are asked to identify which conversation is “off topic”
  • 20 cards where students are asked what the communication partner could have said instead using an open-ended response text box

This resource is perfect way to teach and practice topic maintenance in groups with middle school, high school, and adults by having students identify when a response is “on topic” or “off topicand also identify a more appropriate response.

Included in this resource: 

  • 40 total cards with a hypothetical conversation between a group of students
  • 20 cards asking students to identify which conversation is “off topic”
  • 20 cards asking students to identify what the communication partner could have said instead using an open-ended response text box
  • All real life, relatable images

These topic maintenance in groups BOOM CARDS cards are NO PRINT, interactive, digital task cards. Boom Cards™ cards are interactive, digital task cards, and perfect for use on a computer, smart board, and Ipad. Digital task cards are teletherapy-compatible and perfect for distance learning.

►When you download this product, you will receive a PDF with a link to the digital task cards on the Boom Learning Site. Click on the picture where indicated and it will take you to the Boom learning site.

Check out these other resources:

Conversation Turn Taking Speech Boom Cards™
Keep the Conversation Going Speech Boom Cards™
Say It or Think It Speech Boom Cards™


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