Conversation Turn Taking Speech Boom Cards™


This deck consists of 25 cards with hypothetical conversations and real life pictures! Students are presented with a hypothetical conversation between two people and are asked to provide a response that is a relevant contribution to the conversation, when provided with a field choice of 4 options to select from.

Are you looking for ways to work on topic maintenance practice with middle school, high school students, and young adults? This deck consists of 25 cards with hypothetical conversations and real life pictures! Students are presented with a hypothetical conversation between two people and asked to provide a response that is a relevant contribution to the conversation, when provided with a field choice of 4 options to select from. Each picture contains a high quality, real life image.

The included is great to target conversational turn-taking outside of this activity with a peer, teacher, or therapist, making it a great tool for generalization of the pragmatic language skill. Boom Cards™ cards are interactive, digital task cards, and perfect for use on a computer, smart board, and Ipad. Digital task cards are teletherapy-compatible and perfect for distance learning.

►When you download this product, you will receive a PDF with a link to the digital task cards on the Boom Learning Site. Click on the arrow and it will take you to the Boom learning site.

Click below for more resources: 

Keep the Conversation Going Topic Maintenance Speech Boom Cards™
Life Skills Solving Problems in All Seasons Speech Boom Cards™
No Prep Social Language and Problem Solving Packet



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