Life Skills Weather Forecasts and What Clothing to Wear Boom Cards™


This activity provides students with 20 different cards, all indicating a different weather forecast for the day. The students are provided with a field choice of 3 articles of clothing to wear and asked to identify the most appropriate piece of clothing that corresponds with the weather for each day. Each forecast contains a picture, a high and low temperature, wind mph, and chance of precipitation. This is a great activity for students working on life skills in activities of daily living.

Are you looking for a fun, interactive activity to work on life skills weather forecasts and determining what clothing to wear? This activity provides students with 20 interactive task cards, all indicating a different weather forecast for the day. The students are provided with a field choice of 3 articles of clothing to wear and asked to identify the most appropriate piece of clothing that corresponds with the weather for each day. Each forecast contains a picture, a high and low temperature, wind mph, and chance of precipitation.

These life skills weather forecasts Boom Cards™ cards are NO PRINT, interactive, digital task cards. Boom Cards™ cards are interactive, digital task cards, and perfect for use on a computer, smart board, and Ipad. Digital task cards are teletherapy-compatible and perfect for distance learning.

►When you download this product, you will receive a PDF with a link to the digital task cards on the Boom Learning Site. Click on the picture where indicated and it will take you to the Boom learning site.


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