5-Step Sequencing Life Skills Activities of Daily Living


Whats Included?
  • 15 different tasks
  • 15 blank boards to attach steps to
  • A picture representation and description of each task
This 5-step sequencingย print and go activity contains 15 different tasks, each containing 5 steps, in which students are asked to sequence the events in the correct order. Each picture contains a corresponding picture stimuli and a short description of each task.
Whats Included?
  • 15 different tasks
  • 15 blank boards to attach steps to
  • A picture representation and description of each task
The following activities are included: brushing teeth, taking a shower, using the bathroom, washing hands, doing laundry, making toast, making lemonade, washing dishes, making cereal, putting on shoes and socks, washing the car, making a frozen pizza, vacuuming the floors, sweeping the floors, and heating up soup.
This print and go 5-step sequencing resource is the perfect fit for older students and young adults.


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