Critical Thinking in Activities of Daily Living MEGA deck Speech Boom Cards™


This CRITICAL THINKING MEGA DECK contains 60 cards targeting functional communication and verbal reasoning using BOTH the multiple choice and open ended text box features of Boom Cards ™ Each of the 60 cards contain real life images and targets the following skills:

  • Identifying Multiple Causes (multiple choice)
  • Identifying What Someone is Thinking (multiple choice)
  • Describing a Problem (text box)
  • Solving Absurdities (text box)

This CRITICAL THINKING MEGA DECK contains 60 cards targeting functional communication and verbal reasoning using BOTH the multiple choice and open ended text box features of Boom Cards ™.  Each of the 60 cards contain real life images and targets the following skills:

  • Identifying Multiple Causes (multiple choice)
  • Identifying What Someone is Thinking (multiple choice)
  • Describing a Problem (text box)
  • Solving Absurdities (text box)

Designed to target critical thinking skills in activities of daily living for older students and young adults. Page 1 is the “Home” page where you can click directly on the activity you want the student to target and it will directly there. There is also a “Menu” button on each page so you can navigate easily back to the “Home” page.

This activity is designed as a NO PRINT NO PREP activity and great for teletherapy! Boom Cards are also printable for those students who would benefit from this activity in a paper-based format.

►When you download this product, you will receive a PDF with a link to the digital task cards on the Boom Learning Site. Click on the picture where indicated and it will take you to the Boom learning site.

Check out these other resources:

No Prep Social Language and Problem Solving Packet
Identifying Consequences for Actions
Self-Advocacy Skills Printable Packet for Older Students


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